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Odetta Hartman 222
Album stream ,

Please stream Odetta Harman's beautiful album "222" for it is a gorgeous blend of folk, pop, rock and experimental music.

Odetta Hartman is 25-year-old and was raised in Manhattan. Which is odd, because if you listen to the album you'd get the impression the singer-songwriter grew up in some sort of harsh wasteland which she wanted to give a more colourful and bearable touch. What do you think about the album?

222 will be available on Oct 02, 2015. It will be released via . You can stream it via Stereogum. Also check out our Odetta Hartman artist profile to find eventual tour dates in your area and links to the official web and social media pages of Odetta Hartman.

And if you like what you hear, get it over at iTunes or Amazon.

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