Images courtesy of the artist

Prins Thomas Principe Del Norte
Album stream ,

Best served with headphones: Norwegian producer Prins Thomas offers his upcoming new album "Principe Del Norte" for you to drift afloat to.

The album is 100 minutes long, so make sure you've got some time to really dig into head.

Principe Del Norte has made our list of selected records, which means we think it's great and you should definitely listen to the stream. Release date for Principe Del Norte is on Feb 19, 2016. It will be released via . The stream is delivered via NPR. Also check out our Prins Thomas artist profile to find eventual tour dates in your area and links to the official web and social media pages of Prins Thomas.

And if you like what you hear, get it over at iTunes or Amazon.

Principe Del Norte tracklist

1. A1
2. A2
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. E
7. F
8. G
9. H

More from Prins Thomas

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